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Is Civil Engineering Marketable in Kenya? (2024)


Is Civil Engineering Marketable in Kenya? (2024)

One of the best engineering courses in Civil Engineering, this is one of those courses that deal with designing, executing and works that serve the general public. It is important to note that civil engineering is a professional course in Kenya not just there but worldwide and you should know the importance that is placed on professional courses over a long period.

Civil engineers are needed in society today and they carry out lots of jobs and projects that are needed in society, many constructions works and heavy-duty jobs are carried out by civil engineers and they get paid very well for these jobs.

Is Civil Engineering Marketable in Kenya?

Civil engineering is the professional practice of designing and developing infrastructure projects in the public and private sectors. They do all of this to help improve the lives of humans and they are known as one of the oldest branches of engineering. Civil engineering is one of those top courses and it is regarded as one of the marketable courses in Kenya with lots of civil engineers in demand. YES, civil engineering is marketable in Kenya and if you have the right skills and are good at what you do you can get a job in no time. Aside from the regular design of bridges that you know civil engineers carry out, they do a lot more, they work in the building industry doing lots of construction jobs, the aerospace industry, designing jetliners and space stations, the automotive industry, calculating the load-carrying capacity of a chassis and improving the crash resistance of bumpers and doors. There are even more sectors that civil engineers work in and you might be surprised that they work in the power industry and they are needed in almost every area of our lives.

Requirements for Civil Engineering Courses in Kenya

Some requirements will be needed from you before you apply for a course like this in any institution in Kenya. Being a  civil engineer is not an easy task and it is a professional course, so many schools will come up with several requirements as there will be a high number of students applying for this same course in that institution.

  • KCSE Mean grade B- (minus) and mean grade for the total score in the four JAB cluster subjects of at least B (plain) and the following minimum grades in the individual cluster subjects: Mathematics C+, Physics C+, Chemistry C+, Geography or Biology, or group III or any group IV.

Being a civil engineer you will have to learn to collaborate with large teams to execute, plan and bring projects to come into life. You will spend significant amounts of time designing and planning projects and presenting proposals, needs assessments, budgets, and amendments to clients. This is a course that is in high demand in Kenya, you cannot go wrong studying this course as there are lots of opportunities that is available for you in the Kenya market. Learning and studying are one of the ways you can easily achieve your dreams as a civil engineer in Kenya and one more important thing is having good grades. There are so many roles civil engineers play in our lives and society.

Roles of a Civil Engineer in Kenya

  • Civil engineers have to assess and do a complete feasibility study of the construction site. They have to consider many factors, including the impact on nature and the surrounding environment and plan accordingly.
  • it is the job of the civil engineer to make sure all the construction happens within the budget. If the budget has not been set, the civil engineer, along with the planner, will take into account the raw materials required, machinery & equipment costs, and labour required for the project, and set the budget and deadlines accordingly
  • It is their job to plan the whole construction process there has to be a systematic process and everything needs to be well-planned to avoid issues or mishandling.
  • Before a project can be completed they are expected to do a thorough final inspection, this is to make sure everything is working well and everything is well structured to perfection.

Skills Required for Civil Engineers

As civil engineers, some skills will be needed, these sets of skills will help carry out your daily activities or routine and all of this will help you build a team and put the right project to perfection.

  • Time management is very important as a civil engineer as this will enable you in meeting deadlines and any delay might be costly to your job.
  • Team management and leadership are essential. A civil engineer does not work alone he/she will need to learn how to manage a team for different projects so things can be effectively done. Learning how to manage people is a skill every civil engineer must have as humans come with different characters and behaviours and you will need to learn how to manage them and make them work together effectively.
  • Construction work is rife with problems as it involves people, products, and machinery. So, when problems arise you have to be good at sorting them.
  • Having good knowledge of mathematics is beneficial as there are important parts of the construction process. Before applying for this course in some institutions in Kenya your knowledge of mathematics and physics will be tested.
  • One important skill to have is knowing the region, and the areas you will be working on.



Civil engineering is a professional course in Kenya and there are lots of opportunities out there for civil engineers in Kenya. You can easily get a job or when you graduate you can work for a company through an internship and start up your own civil engineering company as time goes on. This course pays a whole lot of money and civil engineering graduates earn about KSH 100,000 and above monthly in Kenya.

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