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Advantages Of Being A Cadet In Kenya (2024)


Advantages Of Being A Cadet In Kenya (2024)

A cadet is a young person who is training to become a commissioned officer in the military, police, or other public service organization. In the context of the military, a cadet is typically a young individual who is enrolled in a military academy or officer training program, and who is being prepared to become a commissioned officer in the armed forces. Cadets may also be referred to as officer candidates or officer trainees.

There are many advantages of being a cadet in Kenya. These include Leadership Development, Disciplined Life, Physical Fitness, Career Opportunities, Personal Growth, and Networking Opportunities, amongst others. Some of these benefits will be explained below.

What Are The Advantages Of Being A Cadet In Kenya?

Here are some advantages of being a cadet in Kenya:

  • Leadership Development

One of the major reasons why being a cadet in Kenya is advantageous is because of the leadership skills it equips young individuals with. In Kenya, cadets are trained to be leaders and to take charge in various situations. The program instils human managerial skills that can be applied in all areas of life.

  • Disciplined Life

Furthermore, as a Cadet in Kenya, you will be taught to be disciplined and to follow rules and regulations. This helps can help you to lead a structured and focused life, which can help achieve success in all areas of life.

  • Physical Fitness

In addition, Cadets undergo rigorous physical training that helps them to be fit and healthy in Kenya. All the training that is carried out by cadets in Kenya helps them to maintain a healthy lifestyle even after leaving the cadet program.

  • Career Opportunities

As a cadet in Kenya, you will have a great chance to gain various skills that can be applied in various career fields, including the military, public service, and private sector. For instance, in the Kenyan public service sector, a cadet can easily get recruited to work in departments including fire fighting, emergency services, and disaster response.

  • Networking Opportunities

Cadet programs in Kenya provide opportunities for cadets to network with other top cadets, officers, and professionals in various fields. This is greatly helpful to cadets as they can develop important connections that can be beneficial in their future careers.

  • Personal Growth

Also, as a cadet in Kenya, individuals will face challenges that will necessitate them stepping outside of their comfort zones and pushing themselves to achieve their full potential. This is another huge advantage of being a Kenyan cadet as this can help them to develop self-confidence and personal growth.

What Do You Need To Become A Cadet In Kenya?

The most basic requirements that you need to meet to become a cadet in Kenya will be explained in this section.

  • Age: Applicants must be between 18 and 26 years of age.
  • Academic qualifications: Applicants must have a minimum of a C+ in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) or an equivalent qualification.
  • Physical fitness: Applicants must be physically fit and meet the minimum requirements for height, weight, and vision.
  • Character and conduct: Applicants must have a clean criminal record and good conduct.
  • Nationality: Applicants must be Kenyan citizens.
  • Medical examination: Applicants must undergo a medical examination to determine their fitness for the program.
  • Parental consent: Applicants who are below 18 years of age must have written consent from their parents or guardians.

How Much Do Military Personnel Earn In Kenya?

• Recruits can earn Ksh 7,172.

• Cadets in Kenya earn Ksh 11,852 per month, but Officer Cadets can earn Ksh 24,520 after serving in the military for more than three years.

• Privates receive between Ksh 19,941 to Ksh 30,000, depending on their length of service.

• Lance Corporals earn between Ksh 26,509 to Ksh 50,000, depending on their length of service.

• A Corporal can earn Ksh 32,250, and up to Ksh 70,000 with more military experience.

• Captains can earn between Ksh 73,182 and Ksh 110,000.

• Majors earn Ksh 102,106 at the beginning of their career, and up to Ksh 150,000 with more experience.

• After several years of service, Lt-Colonels can earn over Ksh 130,735 and up to Ksh 180,000
• Colonels can earn between Ksh 153,317 and Ksh 300,000.

• If someone becomes a Lieutenant-General, they can earn Ksh 632,984 initially and potentially Ksh 800,000 with several years of good service.

• The Chief of Defence Forces (CDF) position is paid between Ksh 894,897 and Ksh 1M per month. Becoming a CDF requires hard work, dedication, and courage, but it’s possible to climb the ranks with those qualities.



Kenya has a well-established cadet program that provides a structured training environment for young people who aspire to serve in the military or other public service organizations.

Some of the advantages of being a cadet in Kenya include leadership development, discipline, physical fitness, and other skills that are essential for a career in public service.

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Smith Fiwademi is a writer who loves teaching people about the important of education and how the can get the best but affordable education. He is a graduate of English language from the university of Lagos and after graduating he choosed this part.

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