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List Of Agriculture Courses In Kenya (2024)


List Of Agriculture Courses In Kenya (2024)

Agriculture is the practice of cultivating the soil, producing crops and raising livestock and marketing the products. Agriculture as a course is the theoretical study and practical application of farming, it involves so many aspects of farming and it teaches you a lot about crops growing and effective ways of rearing livestock. This course is important in Kenya as it contributes almost 40% of the country’s economy.  There are so many modern tools and equipments we can use in making sure our farming is effective today, growing of crops has also been made easier through the use of modern techniques; agricultural advances have come to define human progress. 


  • Agricultural Biotechnology
  • Food Science and Nutrition
  • Animal Health Management
  • Agribusiness Management and Enterprise Development
  • Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering 
  • Dairy Technology and Management 
  • Land Resource Planning and Management
  • Veterinary Medicine
  • Food Science and post-harvest Technology
  • Agribusiness Economy and Food Industry Management 
  • Agricultural Education and Extension
  • Horticulture
  • Soils and Pesticides


  • Meru University of Science and Technology
  • Limted College
  • Turkana University College
  • Karatina University
  • Kenya College of Agriculture and Technology
  • Chuka Technical and Vocational college
  • Mawego technical Training Institute 
  • Narok University College
  • Mitunguu Technical Training Institute
  • Koshin Technical Training Institute
  • Siala Technical Training Institute
  • Kisii National Polytechnic
  • Matric Institute of Professional Studies
  • Eldoret Technical Training Institute
  • Sangalo Institute of Science and Technology 
  • Kaiboi Technical Training Institute
  • University of Eldoret
  • Karatina University College School of Agriculture and Biotechnology
  • Moi University
  • Kenya Methodist University
  • University of Eastern Africa
  • Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology
  • South Eastern University
  • Kirinyanga University
  • Africa Nazarene University
  • Lukenya University
  • Narok University College
  • St Lawrence Egoji Teachers College
  • St Paul Nyabururu Teacher’s Training College
  • Karen Technical Institute for the Deaf
  • Jeremiah Nyagah Technical Institute
  • Kitale National Polytechnic
  • Bureti technical Training Institute
  • Machakos Institute of Technology
  • St John’s Teachers Training College
  • Shanzu Teachers Training College
  • St, Martin De Porres Teachers Training College
  • Kenya Education Management Institute
  • Rift Valley Institute of Science and Technology
  • Bukura Agricultural College
  • Carol Teachers Training College
  • Tec Teachers Training Institute
  • Limiru Agricultural Youth Centre
  • Jerusa Teachers Training College
  • Kilifi Institute of Agriculture
  • Kenya Education Management Institute
  • Rongo University 
  • Eldoret National Polytechnic
  • Runyenjes Technical Training Institute
  • Mawego Technical Training Institute
  • Mitunguu Technical Training Institute


Before jumping to study or apply for a course like Agriculture in the University, you should know that it’s a science course so this should enable you to get the requirements that are needed. You will need a mean grade of C at KCSE and a C – in Biology/Biological Sciences and Agriculture and a C – in Chemistry/Physical Sciences, Mathematics, Physics or Geography. There are some Universities that gives you the option of studying full time or even weekend program, a duration of 2 to 3 years is needed for a diploma in Agriculture. Each school has their own course duration, so it is necessary you find out accurate information about the school you are applying for as this will be very helpful in making decisions. Agriculture is a lively course to study, the credit hours for each course vary in the University or school you want to apply and there will be both practical and theory classes to give you a hint of what takes place in the real world. 


Apart from being an important course, agriculture is one course lots of people undervalue so universities tend to make it cheap, seeing it’s less competitive. Studying a course like agriculture in Kenya costs about Ksh 20,000 to Ksh 45,000 per semester. Compared to other courses like Aviation, Accounting and many others, this is one course that has been termed to be one of the cheapest and most lucrative after graduation. It is known as a self-employed course, with funding or grants from the government you should be able to do something lucrative that will help take care of you for a lifetime. 


Agriculture is a marketable course in Kenya, it’s a highly paying course due to the large scale of farming in Kenya. Currently, there are about 1.2 million farmers in Kenya which include small-scale and large scale farming, most of the farmers deal with dairy farming, poultry keeping and maize farming. Adequate knowledge about agriculture is needed to be able to grow crops or even rear livestock, most times lots of practical knowledge is needed to be able to carry the farming process effectively. 

The four branches of agriculture play a major role; we have Agricultural Economics, Livestock Production, Crop Production, and Agricultural Engineering. Large scale farming helps in growing the nation’s economy and this involves the use of modern equipment because farmers are major working with large acres of land while subsistence farming is more likely for less developed areas and this also helps in food production. Reduction of poverty, raising income, and improving security have been major advantages of agriculture for a nation’s economy. You can study agriculture as a course and even work to make good living off it, apart from getting employed by an agricultural company you can start up yours and make a good living off it, be it something to do with livestock or even crop production or many others. 


In conclusion, in our day-to-day life agriculture is needed. We should know that agriculture is a major part of the economy as it boosts a nation’s economy by roughly 70-80% so it’s a win situation when a nation has food security, this is why the government is encouraging every young person to go into agriculture as it will not only benefit the economy but also you as an individual. 

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John Juma is a graduate of the university of Benin where he got second class upper in biology and since after graduating have loved to teach people on the educational path.

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