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List Of Aviation Courses In Kenya (2024)


List Of Aviation Courses In Kenya (2024)

The Aviation industry is one place lots of people like to work. You must have heard friends telling you stories or even family members giving you an insight into the aviation industry. The Aviation industry encompasses all aspects of air travel, manufacturing and operating all types of aircraft, and everything to do with it.

We have so many sectors in the aviation industry; we have Commercial, General, and Military Aviation. The aviation industry has so many purposes; it helps in the growth of the economy, creates jobs, and facilitates international trade and tourism. Lots of questions have been asked about the difference between the airline industry and the aviation industry; the airline industry refers to companies that offer air transport services while the aviation industry includes aviation-related business. 

List Of Aviation Courses In Kenya

  • Flight Operations and Dispatch
  • Aeronautical Communications and Operations
  • Aeronautical Information Service
  • Air Traffic Services 
  • Air Cargo
  • Air Travel and Tourism
  • Aviation Safety
  • Aerospace Science and Operations
  • Aviation Security
  • Air Cargo Introductory Courses
  • Aeronautical Technology
  • Commercial Pilot License 
  • Payload Planning
  • Air Travel Operations (Management)
  • Air travel Operations
  • Aeronautical Engineering
  • Pilot License Ground School Course
  • Flight Operations
  • Flight Dispatch, Airport Operations, and Management
  • Aviation Law, (Non-Lawyers)
  • Aircraft Maintenance
  • Flying School
  • Aviation Meteorology 
  • Piper PA 28
  • Multi-Engine/Instrument Rating Full Motion Simulator
  • Radio Telephony
  • Private Pilot License
  • Private Pilot License Simulator
  • ICAO Scheduled Courses
  • IATA

Universities/Schools/Colleges to Study Aviation in Kenya

  • Kenya School of Flying
  • Nairobi Aviation School 
  • East African School of Aviation
  • Ninety-Nines Flying School 
  • Flight Training Centre
  • Mt Kenya Flying School
  • Kenya Aeronautical College
  • West Rift Aviation School 
  • Skylink Aviation School 
  • Alpha Aviation Flying School 
  • Nairobi Flight Training
  • Capital Connect Aviation 
  • Standard Aviation Flying School 
  • Proactive Air Services 
  • Nairobi Aviation College 
  • Epic Aviation College
  • Transeastern Airline Aviation College
  • Skypath Aviation College 
  • Eagle Air Aviation College


There are several requirements that will be needed from you before you will be able to jump into a university in Kenya to study aviation. First, your academic credentials must align in respect of the school you choose to go to in Kenya, minimum subject requirements include a mean grade of C in KCSE or equivalent with at least a grade C in English, Mathematics, Physics, or Physical Science. If you don’t have those subjects listed there, there are some aviation schools in Kenya that accepts a mean grade of C+ in KCSE or equivalent in subjects like English, Mathematics, Geography, and any other Science course.

The minimum age for applying to study in an aviation school is; 

  • 16 years of age or more 
  • You must be medically fit and have a certification of fitness accredited by an aviation medical examiner
  •  A Certificate of good conduct
  • You must pass three internal written evaluations in English, Mathematics, and Psychometric testing 
  • Copies of National Identification Cards, passports, birth certificates, and academic papers
  • Six passports size photos
  • Five lessons of flight assessment 


There are several fees to be paid in an aviation school before one can fully join them. An estimate of Ksh 3,000,000 is needed to study a major course in the aviation industry while an estimate of Ksh 1,340,840 is needed to study other courses. There are several aviation schools in Kenya and each school comes with its own fees. Aviation school is quite expensive and after schooling, it takes some time to get a pilot license, which costs you another amount of money. There are several ways in getting a pilot license in Kenya this includes; passing an examiner test, being in a possession of a valid class 2 or medical certificate, meeting the aeronautical experience requirement, receiving flight training and logbook endorsement, passing the required ‘Commercial Pilot License’ test, that is if you want to be a commercial pilot or a private pilot, you must fall within the required age range which has been stated in this article, pass the English language proficiency examination with either operational level, extended level or expert level. You should note that you have the option of studying in other countries like the USA, South Africa, and others, but when you are done you must come back to get a license certification from your home country. 

Is Aviation Course a Marketable Course in Kenya?

Aviation is one of the most marketable courses in Kenya, with a different range of options to choose from, studying this course will give you the opportunity to work in the airline or aviation industry, There are many job opportunities to choose from in the aviation industry and its not just flying of planes alone if you check out the list of courses we made available at the first page of this article you are being given different options to choose one and it is one industry that they do not run out of jobs. Being in the aviation industry gives you the option of having a decent salary which will go higher over time as you work and improve your skills. Choosing aviation as a career will allow an individual to; gain new experiences and travel abroad to different nations, have financial stability as this job is very easy for you to climb to the ladder of success in a short while with several forms of compensation as you get paid to do everything you want to do, you also have the opportunity to meet new people, as you travel with different people from different races, you even get to meet famous personalities, I guess that’s an added bonus of doing the job.  


In conclusion, there are several aviation courses available in Kenya and you need to pick one and make research it, the fees, and every other thing related to it. 

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John Juma is a graduate of the university of Benin where he got second class upper in biology and since after graduating have loved to teach people on the educational path.

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