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Is Analytical Chemistry Marketable in Kenya? (2024)


Is Analytical Chemistry Marketable in Kenya? (2024)

There are so many courses available today and it is necessary you research a particular course before you apply. The marketability of a course matters a lot and there are so many courses that do not fit this criterion, imagine attending school for four (4) years and you end up not getting a job due to the kind, of course, you studied as there are no available jobs for that particular course you might end up getting frustrated and this might lead to depression and any other thing that is not good for your mental health. Analytical chemistry is a challenging profession that makes a significant contribution to many fields of science and it is known as one of the most popular fields of work for ACS chemists studying this course in Kenya is a big step for you to take.

Is Analytical Chemistry Marketable in Kenya?

Analytical chemistry is the science of obtaining, processing, and communicating information about the composition and structure of matter. Analytical chemistry can be used to identify components in an unknown mixture, e.g. in forensics, drugs are often found in various coloured powders and are analyzed to determine their content. Analytical chemistry is divided into two parts which are quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis and it is considered to be one of the most difficult chemistry courses. Studying this course is not easy as there are so many things that you can learn but implement the course out there by getting a good job is where the problem lies.

Analytical chemistry is not marketable in Kenya but the good thing is that there are some industries where analytical chemistry graduates can work in Kenya. What matters in the job hunting process is how you position yourself in society, there are so many opportunities out there but taking the risk of studying this course and hoping to get a job easily like a medical doctor might be difficult. Courses like this give students a tough time in the university, so many students have studied this course, come out with good grades and ended up getting a job that is not even in their line of study in Kenya, there are so many that have studied and work in the bank because that is the only option they have so far. This is why it is advisable that before you pick a course to study you should make proper research to know the marketability of the course as it helps you a lot in going further. Don’t just waste years in the higher institution and come out looking for jobs wherever you go.

There are several reasons why you should study this course, analytical chemistry has played a critical role in the understanding of basic science to a variety of practical applications, such as biomedical applications, environmental monitoring, quality control of industrial manufacturing, forensic science, and so on and there are various careers that one could go in for analytical chemistry which includes; basic laboratory research, perform process and product development, design instruments used in the analytical analysis, teach, or work in marketing and law. If you happen to get a job as an analytical chemist in Kenya then you should earn well, analytical chemist typically earns well in Kenya if they work for a good company and if they work in line with their profession. An analytical chemist in Kenya should earn about KES 90,000 monthly and sometimes they are employed in hospitals, public health laboratories, government and environmental agencies, and independent consultancies and research organizations.

Looking at the statistics in Kenya should show you that analytical chemistry is among the least marketable courses in Kenya and if you are an aspiring student planning to choose this course in a higher institution then it is advisable for you to make other plans, except you choose to further in other countries where the odds are high and you can easily get a job there with that degree. If you still decide to go for this course, maybe you have other plans that could benefit you in the long run, then you can apply to any of the universities or colleges in Kenya and you can get a diploma or a bachelor’s degree between 2-4 years. Employers will require candidates to have an undergraduate degree (typically at 2:1 or higher) to become an analytical chemist. The degree should be in a relevant subject such as chemistry, biochemistry, applied chemistry or analytical chemistry.

Before applying for any of these courses in the university, some requirements will be needed from you, each institution has its requirement but we will be giving you the general requirements that are needed to apply for this course in any institution in Kenya. The first step to becoming a chemist is to get a bachelor’s degree in science. Chemists can major in chemistry, physical science, life science, engineering or another relevant subject. It is possible to work as an entry-level chemist with only a bachelor’s degree and move up through promotions after gaining experience.

Requirements for Analytical Chemistry Course in Kenya

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • At least C+ (Plus) in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) or it’s equivalent.
  • At least C- (Minus) in KCSE and a Diploma or its equivalent.
  • At least two Principal Passes in KACE.

Skills needed to be a good analytical chemist

  • Excellent IT skills


  • Teamwork
  • Good analytical and numerical ability
  • A systematic approach to tasks
  • The ability to develop and validate new methods
  • The motivation and ability to solve complex problems


  • A logical and independent mind

Top Five (5) Countries to Study Analytical Chemistry

  • UK
  • USA
  • Germany
  • Ireland
  • China
  • Australia



Analytical chemists are known to work mostly in laboratories and hospitals and they work for longer hours carrying out all sorts of tests and experiments that will benefit society in the long run. Analytical chemists are important in our society and so many people would love to study this course and make an impact on the life of humans in one way or the other. Is analytical chemistry marketable in Kenya? No, but there are other countries where you can get good jobs and work in the given field of your choice.


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