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Is Applied Biology Marketable in Kenya? (2024)


Is Applied Biology Marketable in Kenya? (2024)

Applied biology is a very broad course in the higher institution and this is one of those courses that involves so much research. Studying this course in any of the Kenya institutions there are so many things that are needed from you. An applied biologist is someone that understands the physiological process of living organisms, understands plants and animals in terms of their breeding, care, diseases, infecting them and their economic importance, observe safety measures in a biological laboratory.

Studying this course is broad and it is very different from the regular biology that some people study in the university, this course creates more opportunities for the individuals involved and allows them to see life in a different form.

Is Applied Biology Marketable in Kenya?

Before picking out a course many would love to know the marketability of the course and what it entails, there are so many pending questions on the mind of various aspiring students about the course they pick in the university. Applied biology is a course that is not easily marketable in Kenya, there are jobs for those who study this course but they are very few as there are no things put in place for them to expand their work research. Studying this course in any institution in Kenya you will need to think ahead as there are few opportunities for you as a graduate of this course in Kenya. This is a course that will provide you with diverse employment opportunities in key growth areas within the life sciences. As a graduate in Applied Biology, you will have excellent career prospects and employment opportunities in a range of sectors such as Biotechnology, Food and Healthcare, Environmental, Bio-Pharmaceutical and more.

Career Prospects for Applied Biology in Kenya

  • Lab technicians


  • Science Teachers
  • Consultants
  • Biologist
  • Technical writers
  • Lab Research Assistants


  • Pharmaceutical sales representative

Requirements for Applied Biology Course in Kenya

Institutions in Kenya have certain requirements that they use to follow through the admission process to make it clear to aspiring students. These requirements can be for bachelor, diploma or certificate programs it all solely depends on the institution you are applying to or the kind of program you want to study.

Bachelor’s Degree Requirements for Applied Biology

  • C + in Biology at KCSE, or equivalent and a C pass in Chemistry or Mathematics OR grade B in the pre-university General Biology course.

Diploma Requirements for Applied Biology

  • Passed Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) with a minimum grade of C-
  • A minimum grade of C- in each of the following subjects: English, Mathematics, Biology or Biology Science, Chemistry or physical sciences.
  • Passed a relevant craft course or any other equivalent qualification approved by the Kenya National Examination Council.

Certificate Requirements for Applied Biology

  • Passed Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) with a minimum grade of C- and a minimum grade of C- in each of the following subjects: English, Mathematics, Biology or Biology Science, Chemistry or physical sciences.
  • Passed a relevant craft course.

Skills Needed for Applied Biology

  • Investigative Skills


  • Quantitative/Research Skills
  • Communication skills
  • To be accurate and methodical in the field of laboratory work
  • Patience to repeat the experiment several times
  • Strong team skills
  • Ability to work on your own for a long period
  • Understand the general ecological inter-relationship of organisms.


  • Understand the physiological process of living organisms.

Applied biology has proven to be a good course, this program offers you the ability to do research on various things about life in general. It teaches you a bit about all the aspects of technology like microbiology, biochemistry, food science, biotechnology, genetics and many more. It is currently at the forefront of scientific research and technological development, there is so much to learn while studying this course and most times much research work has to be done so the students involved can know what they are doing. Before applying for this course you should make research about it and know the available various pay grades, there are so many places you can work but doing extensive research work is not guaranteed in Kenya. Many students who study these tend to apply to schools outside Kenya to further know what they are doing. The pay for applied biologists is nice, and you can earn so much money once you start putting in the work.

Lots of students find it hard to separate applied biology and biology as different courses, you have to take it that applied biology involves more work than biology alone with several topics being taught that cover all other areas of biology as well. It includes agriculture, veterinary science, marine biology, household biology, horticulture, sericulture, molecular biology, biotechnology, cloning, bioengineering, nuclear biology, space biology, exobiology, genomics, bioinformatics and biometrics. It aims to use science to solve real-world problems such as improving crop yields, finding a cure for a particular disease, or saving animals threatened by a natural disaster. The practical work will help the trainees develop confidence and skills in the use of biological techniques and tools. As a result, it will help the trainee to impart general knowledge and entrepreneurship awareness to enable trainees to contribute positively to society. This course is intended to equip the trainee with knowledge, skills and attitudes to enable them in research laboratories performing various biological technologies and correctly handling the laboratory types of equipment and they are to understand plants and animals in terms of their nature of life, disease and treatment and economic importance.




Applied biology is a good course and there are so many jobs available but it is not a marketable course in Kenya as there are no major facilities that carry out extensive research. There are other opportunities out there if you still wish to study this course and the possibility of getting a good job is certain. We have given you the requirements for applied biology courses in Kenya, the roles of an applied biologist and Kenya.






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