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Is Automotive Engineering Marketable in Kenya? (2024)


Is Automotive Engineering Marketable in Kenya? (2024)

The rise of automobiles in the world today has made some courses marketable and automotive engineering is one of those courses. Automotive engineering is the study of vehicles designed, manufactured and tested.

They are involved in every part of the vehicle process and they work as a team to make sure everything works well. Being an automotive engineer is one of the best professions you can pick today as there are so many advantages to it, there is so much to learn and there is so much work to carry out as you must make sure the everyday life of man is easy.

Is Automotive Engineering Marketable in Kenya?

If you love cars, if you spend a lot of time tuning cars and all that then you should consider a profession in automotive engineering. There are lots of career prospects in this field and there are so many things you should know before you pick out this course as a choice for study because it is not as easy as it sounds.

Automotive engineering is a demanding job but I believe there is joy in your heart that you can make cars for millions of people and not just make cars you are involved in one process or the other, either through production, distribution and every other, automotive engineering is one course that is highly recommended to study.

Automotive engineering is a branch of vehicle engineering that focuses on the application, design and manufacturing of various types of automobiles. This field of engineering involves the direct application of mathematics in the design and production of vehicles. Automotive engineering is highly marketable in Kenya, with the rise in the use of automobiles, the demand for automotive engineering has been on the rise. The Salary of an Automotive Engineering in Kenya is estimated to be a minimum of KSH 43,000 to as high as KSH 273,000. That is the average engineer Salary in Kenya per month.

There are so many opportunities for automotive engineers in Kenya and there are jobs available, you can study this course in any institution in Kenya and get the required degree that you will need to excel. The demand for automotive engineers is high not just in Kenya but in different parts of the world, there are so many opportunities for automotive engineers and the salary is huge. One essential skill set for this course is created, you should know that being an automotive engineer means you need to have a creative mind and thus paramount as you will be working on different aspects of automobiles.

This course is said to be a four (4) years course in the university, or you can decide to get a diploma which you will spend two (2) years on. There are so many institutions in Kenya that are ready to give you teachings on this course and make sure you excel in this, all of this means you need to pick out the right institution and get the requirements that are needed before you can be admitted to any of the institutions that offer this course in Kenya.

One thing you should have in mind is that few universities are offering this course in Kenya, automotive engineering is one of those courses that involve lots of workloads and not every university has the standard facilities that can take you through this course, though many colleges are ready to take you on this course at the end of the course duration you will be handed a diploma certification and this course will last for two years, they will give you the required knowledge that is necessary for this course that will help you excel in the field of automotive engineering.

It does not matter the degree you finish with long as you know what you are doing, there are so many opportunities that are awaiting you, you can still further your education if you decide or you can go for more pieces of training instead if you wish, but the work of an automotive engineer is very special and their expertise is greatly needed and admired. The more experience a person has, and the more specialty skills they acquire within a specific area, the higher their earning potential will become.

The cost of studying Automotive Engineering goes for estimated amount of KSH 33,000 per semester. Some universities go for as low as KSH 17,000 to 19,000 per semester and this is not in addition to your practical fees. Practical fees of about KSH 2,000 are being paid, this will enable you to partake in the practical and these fees are different from each institution, there might be other fees that you are asked to pay and all of this concerning the course of your study.

Automotive Engineering Courses in Kenya Requirements

  • Minimum requirements involve having a grade of C and above in KCSE
  • Additional Subjects: English, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry

Roles of an Automotive Engineer

  • Organizing and carrying out tests, to check whether engines will work in different conditions, such as high temperatures
  • Interpreting and analyzing results and data
  • Sourcing vehicle components and selecting the best materials to use
  • Providing technical advice and answering queries from clients
  • Assessing project requirements
  • Agreeing and negotiating project budgets, timescales and specifications with clients and managers
  • Developing and implementing test procedures
  • Building prototypes of components to carry out tests on

Skills for an Automotive Engineer

  • Creativity
  • Presentation Skills
  • Analytical Skills
  • The ability to be part of a team
  • Presentation Skills
  • Interpersonal and Communication Skills


Being an automotive engineer is not easy as there is so much work and processing that you will need to undergo through. Automotive engineering is marketable in Kenya and their pay is huge, they are very important in our daily life and they are in charge of so many cars we see today.

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