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Is Business Management Marketable in Kenya? (2024)


Is Business Management Marketable in Kenya? (2024)

In a growing economy like Kenya business management is one of the key courses that every aspiring student should easy as there are loads of opportunities awaiting them there even aside from working for a company they have the ability or the knowledge of starting up something for themselves and watch it grow and thrive. Business management is the coordination and organization of business activities.

Business managers oversee operations and help employees reach their top productivity levels, a course like this gives all the knowledge that one desires or looking for in the field of business. By studying business management you can fit into any company as the services of a business manager are required in every establishment or company.

Is Business Management Marketable in Kenya?

A course like business management is one that aspiring students need to study in the university or college, you can even get a certification for this course as well and add it to your CV/resume as part of your skill set. There are various opportunities for business managers worldwide and not just in Kenya alone and they are allowed to thrive in every company or any position they are put in. The role of business managers is needed in the day-to-day activities of a company as they are placed in charge of strategic roles of the company, they enforce strategic planning and activities that are to be carried out to push the company forward. A Business & Management Studies degree looks at the way a company or organization operates and functions. This might include the financial, administrative and marketing aspects of the business. Aside from being an aspiring student who needs a degree in this course and is ready to dive into the business market, a business management course is recommended for everyone as it will help in various aspects of life.

Business management is not a hard course to study, there might be some of the courses that will require little mathematics but in general, this is a course that once you put in your all, is going to be very easy for you in the long run. Generally, the six functional areas of business management involve strategy, marketing, finance, human resources, technology and equipment, and operations. Though there might be some challenges when studying this course but overall it is a very good one and various opportunities are lying around once you graduate. Choosing a business degree will give you a good understanding of basic economic principles, how markets are affected by world events, and how to assess a firm’s financial health.

Requirements/Fees for Business Management Course in Kenya

Applying to study a course in any institution in Kenya is not as difficult as it looks but one of the most important things is to have an idea or know the various requirements that are needed to apply for this course. Each institution in Kenya has various requirements for every course and some schools ask for more requirements than others. The important factor here is that you pay attention to your school’s requirements and everything that is needed so you can easily be admitted to your school of choice for study.

Bachelor of Business Management

  • KCSE aggregate Grade: C+ Other requirements Mathematics: C English: C OR A diploma in business management/other equivalent diploma qualification

Diploma in Business Management

  • KCSE aggregate Grade: C- Other requirements Mathematics: D- English or Kiswahili: D-

Certificate in Business Management

  • C.S.E minimum aggregate: D Plain OR Pass in Artisan in business management/other equivalent qualification approved by KNEC

Another important thing to check is to know the amount an institution charges to study a particular course. Financial preparation is important before the application process as this will solely determine the kind of school or the kind of degree you choose to get based on your financial capability. Studying a course like this in any institution in Kenya you will spend about KSH 45,000 and above and this is for your tuition fees alone as the school might be asking for other fees once you are in. A degree in business management will take four (4) years, a diploma will take two (2) years while a certification will take one year or six months depending on the organization you are with.

Business Management graduates earn a good amount of money monthly in Kenya, this is a result of their importance to the company and they help in developing the Kenyan economy. Be it a private or government establishment there is always a business manager who is there to oversee the whole process of the company. Business managers are paid according to their ranking and the job they do in the company where they are employed. The lowest amount a business manager should be earning should be KSH 50,000 and depending on your position in the company you can aim for higher positions and earn higher as time goes on.

One thing you should have in mind is that before any company or firm employs you, your work experience matters a lot, it is important that once you graduate you should go for internship opportunities that will be of help and that will be beneficial to you in the long run. A bachelor’s degree in business administration is very popular. Although trends in technology and politics come and go, the need for a business education will always be around. Business leaders need education and training to learn the skills needed to do their jobs. A business degree provides this training, and it also opens up a multitude of job opportunities.

Skills Needed for a Career in Business Management

  • Communication


  • Critical thinking and problem solving
  • Management and leadership
  • Creativity and innovation
  • Financial Intelligence
  • Industry knowledge
  • Planning
  • Relationship management



A business management course is one of the best courses you can come across, it can bring life-changing experiences and opportunities to you as an individual. Business management is marketable in Kenya and there are so many jobs available for graduates.

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