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Is Economics and Statistics Marketable in Kenya? (2024)


Is Economics and Statistics Marketable in Kenya? (2024)

One of the courses that will give you an edge in the business sector is the economics and statistics course. This course teaches about finance, the global market and certain things that can help one thrive in the business world. Many students feel studying this course will put them in one position but they have the opportunity of helping themselves and getting a professional job and working in different sectors of the economy.

Economics and statistics graduates are needed in our daily lives and over time it is known to be beneficial to various businesses and economies. If this has been your dream course to study then you shouldn’t worry you are on the right track.

Is Economics and Statistics Marketable in Kenya?

A degree in Economics and Statistics is one of the best courses to study in Kenya. The course is more popular than 80 % of all courses offered in Kenyan universities. If you want to pursue a degree course that will guarantee you employment after college then Economics and Statistics are one. The main reason why economics courses are marketable is the wide career prospects they offers. You can become a financial analyst, banker, project manager, accountant, finance manager, tax consultant, researcher, auditor, sales and marketing agent, or real estate professional among other career options. With a degree in economics, you can work in any sector because all the sectors of the economy require skills in accounting, financing, sales, marketing, project management, human resources, planning, insurance, auditing, taxation and management. Economic growth is driven oftentimes by consumer spending and business investment. Tax cuts and rebates are used to return money to consumers and boost spending. Deregulation relaxes the rules imposed on businesses and has been credited with creating growth but can lead to excessive risk-taking.

A course like economics and statistics can change your life forever, you hardly see a graduate of this course that finds it difficult to get a job unless he/she came out with bad grades and does not have the necessary skills that are required to be employed. After getting your bachelor’s in economics and statistics, it is important you go do other courses like CPA, ACCA, CIFA and CFA to have a competitive advantage over the other thousands of graduates seeking to be employed, all of these are professionals courses that can even make you more in demand and when added to your CV/resume you can easily get a job.

Economics teaches about what drives human behaviour, decisions and reactions when faced with difficulties or successes, economics is a discipline which combines politics, sociology, psychology and history. This degree gives you mathematical and statistical skills and the ability to apply economic principles and models to problems in business, finance and the public sector. An economics degree is needed by everyone even if you don’t have plans to study this course, you can take short courses online to know the basics of economics and what it entails, as this can help you in your business and your daily life. Statistics is the science and, arguably, also the art of learning from data. As a discipline, it is concerned with the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data, as well as the effective communication and presentation of results relying on data. It can help train your mind to think about how data is organized, hypotheses, and what samples of data mean. The skill sets that you practice and apply in a statistics class can be transferred and used in many different subject areas and it can be beneficial to you.

Being an economist is not a day’s job, there are so many training and readings that you have to undergo so you can be good at it. You will need to pay attention to classes in school, take training, if possible have a mentor and see how far you can go. As an economist, there are so many places that you can work in, that are suitable for you, there are so many things that you will learn and accomplish as you go along the way and you can work anywhere in the world. Studying for an economics and statistics degree in Kenya it takes four (4) years except if you want to go to a college that takes two (2) years to complete a program. One thing you should pay attention to is the requirements that are needed to study this course in any institution in Kenya and the fees they ask for. Not every school in Kenya has the same tuition fees and not every school has the same set of requirements in Kenya. The competition for this course is high, it is advisable that you get good grades in your KSCE results so you can be admitted easily into the school of your choice.

Requirements for Economics and Statistics in Kenya

  • Mean grade C+ in KCSE with at least C+ in Math or C in Math and Econ, OR 2 Principals in KACE with credit in Math, Engl/Kisw in KCE, OR Diploma in related areas with at least a credit from Senate-recognized institutions.

Roles of Economists and Statisticians

  • Conduct surveys and collect data
  • Research economic issues
  • Analyze data using mathematical models, techniques and software
  • Interpret and forecast market trends
  • Advise businesses, government and individuals on economic topics.



There are so many roles of economists and statisticians in society today and they are needed in every sector of the economy. It is important that you pay attention to job openings and opportunities and it is important you take more courses that will help you improve in your career or goals. We have given you information about economics and statistics in Kenya and it is a marketable course in Kenya, we have also provided you with the requirements that are needed for this course in Kenya.

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