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Is Film Production Marketable in Kenya? (2024)


Is Film Production Marketable in Kenya? (2024)

The entertainment industry is one of the biggest industry in the world and the beauty of this is that lots of money are being pumped into this space yearly and there are so many job offers. Anyone that wants to venture into the entertainment industry is making one of the best decisions as long he/she has the required skill set that is needed, then with time, consistency, practice and patience, you will excel.

Film production in Kenya is growing Kenya and many people are interested in this part of the entertainment industry, there are so many movies that are being produced yearly in Kenya and this has given rise to many jobs and opportunities for those interested in this industry.

Is Film Production Marketable in Kenya?

Film production is the process of creating motion pictures and putting several creative ideas together to make something appealing and creative for people to watch and relate to. Film production is a very complex process as there is more that goes on behind the scenes than you can imagine. Every big producer that you see today started from somewhere and they learnt all of this for years before venturing into this line of profession. Being creative is not an easy process as there are so many ideas you would love to work on and see which one can bring your name out to the limelight. Even working on a short documentary, music video or short film needs a bit of creativity and this is because there are so many things involved to make it perfect.

There are so many professionals in the world today and film production and film production in Kenya has developed over the years Kenya’s movie/film production has been progressing unlike 10 years back when there has been nothing to speak about it. The Kenyan film industry has been getting the attention of the mainstream media and they have been excelling and getting more persons to understand their culture through their movies and the reviews have been great. Film production is marketable in Kenya and this is because the entertainment industry in Kenya is going for and more people are gainfully employed once they have the required skill set that is necessary for them to work in the film industry.

Film production sometimes takes years to complete as it goes through different stages which are development, pre-production, production, post-production and distribution. Every aspect of this stage is important as it all contributes to the success of the film. In film school, students learn about the key aspects of movie-making. Topics of study include producing, directing, art direction, cinematography, screenwriting, postproduction work and sound. Film school students can earn undergrad and graduate degrees in film, cinema studies, media studies or cinema production. Students in Film Studies develop excellent intellectual, communicative, writing and research skills, providing the foundation for a wide range of career opportunities as well as for careers directly connected with cinema.

Film production is one of those careers that can be challenging sometimes. It is important that while studying this course in school you are advised to learn all the available skills and network with people as this can take your career to the next level. Students who have a passion for film production end up becoming movie producers or even directors. You must not necessarily make long films to be called a film producer/director, some people make, and shoot skits, music videos and so on and they are great at it. Creativity and having the right skill set and the right network is all that matters in the film industry then you are good to go. As a film producer in Kenya, you can make more than KSH 100,000 for a movie and some movies are longer than others all of this depends on the storyline, you will have to start small before going for bigger things or bigger opportunities. There are a lot of jobs on a movie set that needs to be done, but landing that first one can be difficult, especially if you don’t know where to start, this is why it is important to network as someone out there might talking about your skills and putting in a word or two for you.

In Kenya, there are opportunities, and cities for film producers and there are so many schools that allow students to study this course at a good amount. The film schools in Kenya teach with some of the best equipment and they give students practical knowledge and teach them what to do if they find themselves in difficult situations as well. Film production is not a stable job, there are so many producers out there and to be able to retro our position or to be among the best you will need to work very hard. Most times producers are bring paid per movie so imagine the amount of money you will be made by the time you take this course seriously. it is important that before applying to any schools for film production, you should check out their tuition fees, requirements and courses on film production before you apply.

Requirements for Film production Course in Kenya

  • You will need to get a KCSE mean grade of D – (minus) to be able to get this course
  • Good speaking and technical skills
  • Positive attitude
  • Takes responsibilities
  • Problem solver



It is safe to say film production is marketable in Kenya and there are various opportunities for film producers in the Kenya industry. This job is highly demanding and if you have a passion for filmmaking then you are advised to apply to a school in Kenya and learn.

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