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Is General Agriculture Marketable in Kenya? (2024)


Is General Agriculture Marketable in Kenya? (2024)

Agriculture is one of the most important courses ever as it is very beneficial to man and his surrounding environments. Agriculture provides most of the world’s food and fabrics, it includes the preparation of plant and animal products for use and the various distribution channels involved. It plays a major role in the economic growth and development of society and human existence and progress by increasing productivity, employment and income.

There is so much that agriculture teaches as a course and there is so much that you can learn going further with this course. Pursuing a career in agriculture allows you to be employable and ensures that you will be relevant.

Is General Agriculture Marketable in Kenya?

General agriculture as a course offers a lot, there is so much to learn from this course as it allows you to be self-employed. There are different branches of agriculture in Kenya and having a background in it can give you a massive head start. Aside from what you learn in university or college, venturing into agriculture is not as easy as it looks, but if you are determined, you can excel in it. General agriculture is one of the most marketable courses in Kenya, this course has made way for millions of graduates in Kenya and allowed them to earn money for a lifetime. There is so much money to be made in the field of agriculture and you even have the chance of becoming an employer of labour in no time.

The earth’s population is dependent on agriculture and without food, it is difficult for a man to survive. In today’s world agriculture has played a major role in the lives of all humans, from food, clothing, medicine, furniture and many more, it has proven to be the most important course to have ever entered the school’s curriculum. Agriculture is being taught in schools for so many reasons and there are different areas of agriculture which includes; dairy technology and management, agriculture and bio-system engineering, agribusiness management and enterprise development, horticulture, poultry and livestock rearing and many more. General agriculture teaches all about animal production, zoology, crop production, botany, soil science, farm management, inclusive development and fish farming. You are being given every knowledge that is needed to know about agriculture and it is a means of imparting competencies required to safely operate and effectively supervise the entrepreneurial agriculture production process.

General agriculture gives you the required skills and knowledge to study soil, plants and animals. You will learn how to grow and maintain crops through the use of machinery and physical labour along with the environmental, scientific, and political issues around feeding the general population. A background in science is essential to the field of agriculture and this is because there will be teachings about soil and crops, insects and so many more. Sometimes a degree is not necessary for the field of agriculture, but if you want to have what it takes to be able to compete in the global market then a degree is necessary. Employers are looking for hard workers who are willing to put in the time and effort necessary to ensure a successful harvest, you will be required to work directly with the different crops or animals and implement different techniques for growing and harvesting food.

There are so many opportunities for a graduate of agriculture in Kenya as there are so many fields in which they can work. You can either decide to work for someone or even start your agricultural venture after some time, but doing this requires you to have some amount of money with you to start up as venturing into agriculture requires you to have land and capital for your crops and livestock, this is why it is advisable to work first gain the experience that is needed before you decided to go into agriculture fully. Agriculture can be practiced by anyone even those that are not graduates are making it through agriculture in Kenya and there are so many opportunities for those who have a degree in this course in Kenya as well. Being successful in agriculture can take years, it is one of these things that requires patience, and time to run and it will require money along the way.

Requirements to Study General Agriculture in Kenya

Studying a course like general agriculture in Kenya has so many requirements and the duration of this course varies by university or college. You can either have a bachelor’s degree, diploma or certificate in this course. It all depends on what you want and the duration of study for each is different. Studying this course, there are some skills which will be required from you as well. You should know that the basic requirement for a course like this differs and if you are ready to get a degree in this course, then have it in mind that the competition is high as well. You can use any of the results to work in different departments in the field of agriculture and once you have the required skills then you are good to go.

Bachelor’s Degree Requirements

  • Mean grade C+ in KCSE with a C+ in biology and C+ in chemistry, OR diploma in Agriculture-related disciplines with at least a credit from Senate-recognized institutions will also be admitted.

Diploma Requirements

  • Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) Applicants: A minimum of Grade C- (C minus).
  • Kenya Advanced Certificate of Education (KACE): A minimum of one Principal level pass and one subsidiary pass.
  • Holder of equivalent qualifications approved by the University Senate.

Certificate Requirements

  • You will need a D (plain) in KCSE or the relevant artisan course



A course like general agriculture can be the turning point of your career. There are so many benefits to studying this course and there are so many opportunities for everyone. You can be an employer of labour or you can work for someone to get the required knowledge before you venture into what you love most.

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