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Is Human Resource Management Marketable in Kenya? (2024)


Is Human Resource Management Marketable in Kenya? (2024)

One course that is not very appreciated is Human Resource Management, this is one of the courses that play a major role in the growth and development of a company and they bring value to the company. HR as they are popularly called plays an important role in the administration of the company, they take charge of so many things which focus on the development of the company and make sure that things are being run smoothly in the company.

Human resources managers are employed in nearly every industry. They work in offices, and most work full-time during regular business hours, some travel to attend professional meetings or to recruit employees.

Is Human Resource Management Marketable in Kenya?

Human resources managers plan, coordinate, and direct the administrative functions of an organization. They oversee the recruiting, interviewing, and hiring of new staff; consult with top executives on strategic planning; and serve as a link between an organization’s management and its employees. The role of human resource managers is needed in everyday life and companies, they play a very important role and make sure that the company is successful.  The role of a human resource manager is to manage people within a workplace to achieve the organization’s mission and reinforce the culture. There is a lot of competition for human resource managers in Kenya, this course is very marketable and it is quite flooded as well.

Human resource management is a marketable course in Kenya, one of the disadvantages of this course is that it I quite flooded in Kenya and securing a meaningful job might be very hard. Not everyone will have the opportunity of working in a very good work environment, one issue is getting a degree which is not difficult then you will need to get a good job that can help you perform to the best of your abilities. Human resources management works through dedicated HR professionals, who are responsible for the day-to-day execution of HR-related functions. Typically, human resources will comprise an entire department within each organization. HR varies in size from one company to another and they have different positions, for a smaller company the chain of HR will be very small and they will be small in number and the positions will not be as much as that of a bigger company.

This position has been existing over the years but not until recently that it is being taken seriously in various companies. An HR plays a major role and carries out major responsibilities for a company and its staff. HR management comes in to put measures in place that ensure that staffing levels correspond to the company’s needs and that, in the process, assure employees of their long-term positions within the organization they do all of this by evaluating, providing regular training for staff and goal setting activities all of this is to make sure that there is a commitment in the workplace, competence and creating opportunities for staff to grow and ensuring they know about the company’s goal and objectives.

There are so many roles that HR management performs in the company today and this has played a major effect in today’s company growth and to make sure that the staffs are very comfortable and doing what is needed to grow the company. Studying this course in any institution in Kenya there are so many things that are needed for you to take into consideration. HR management is a very good course but one question you should ask yourself is if you are ready for the competition in the job market or if you are ready to settle for a lesser job that is not up to what you are aiming for. Before studying a competitive course like this, there are so many things that you should have in mind and you will need to have the relevant degree before you can apply for a job as there are so many experienced HR graduates available that are also seeking several jobs and opportunities as well.

Earning as an HR management personnel in Kenya depends on the position you are working in, there are so many positions for HR in a bigger company, so your pay depends on where you are working in. HR management in Kenya earns about KSH 60,000 and above, some might earn lower than this all because of the position that they are working in and this is due to so many factors or the company they are working for. HR management is being paid more in the USA than in any other country and this is due to the high demand for HR in the USA and the population they have as well. If you are planning on getting a degree in HR management in Kenya, you will need to choose the right school and check out the requirements that are needed to apply for this course. There are so many schools in Kenya where you can study HR management and their fees are affordable but you will be asked to provide some requirements before you will be accepted to study in any of those institutions. Studying this course in Kenya you will spend about KSH 50,000 or more it all depends on the school you wish to study and the degree you need.

Requirements to Study Human Resource Management in Kenya

  • Minimum qualifications are KCSE C plain or KCE Div. 2 or the equivalent.
  • Certificate in Community development, Social development, Social work, Community Health, Counseling and Psychology.
  • Course open to Beginners, Human Resource Assistants, Project managers and Fresh students.



Human Resource Management is a very important job, if you love this course then you can apply for it at any university in Kenya, get the required degree and apply for a job. You can even further get a master’s degree in human resource management and apply for better positions over time with good salaries.



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