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Is Pharmacy Marketable in Kenya? (2024)


Is Pharmacy Marketable in Kenya? (2024)

Over the years the healthcare sector is one of the most important sectors in any country. Health is very important because human life is involved and it should not be used to joke around. Kenya has been learning from other countries and seeing the improvements that are happening around their health sector and they want the best for their citizens as well, this is why any course that is related to the health industry is being taken seriously. Pharmacy is one of the most important courses today because of the impact it has on society at large and it is very benefitting to humans in general. The role of a pharmacist is very important in our society and this is not a course that should be joked with.

Is Pharmacy Marketable in Kenya?

There are so many reasons why people study pharmacy at the university for so many years. Pharmacy is a course that deals with the techniques of preparing and dispensing drugs. Pharmacy students deal with drugs, how drugs affect the human mind and body, and when mixed the results that will take place. Studying pharmacy is very beneficial and knowing about drugs can be great along the way, an aspiring pharmacy student would make chemistry his/her favorite course as mostly everything you will be taught in the university will come from this. There are various things you would love to consider before going for this course but overall this is the best course that you can opt for if you would love to work in the healthcare industry.

Pharmacy is very marketable in Kenya, this is one profession that makes you a good amount of money weekly or even monthly. Being a pharmacist and working in the hospital or even having your own pharmacy office/shop is a great achievement. This is a profession that gives you job security and you can earn from different sources. This industry has been a growing one for years and anyone involved in it will tell you how lucrative and how enjoyable it is to study this course. If you are looking for a course to study in Kenya, then pharmacy is a great option, you can get your degree in five to six years, get the required license, do an internship and decide to work in a hospital or start up your pharmacy establishment. There are so many aspiring students thinking about the possibilities of picking a course to study, you should know that this is a great option, this course might be stressful during the early days in the higher institution but once you have graduated and gotten the required license then you are good to go. If you have a good foundation in chemistry, then this course might just be what you need to be excellent in different areas of your life.

Pharmacist makes lots of money in Kenya and this is a result of how flexible their job is. There is so much money to be made in Kenya after studying this course and it all depends on what you want to do. After graduating you must build up yourself, you should know what you want and make plans on how you want to succeed working in Kenya as a pharmacist. Every hospital you walk into in Kenya has a section for pharmacists, many pharmacists as well tend to open offices in busy places where they can sell drugs and make them accessible to the public quickly. Many of them even diagnose drugs for the patients that they will take in making them feel better.

Requirements to study Pharmacy in Kenya

One of the major things to check out when studying for a major course in Kenya is the requirement. This is one of the most important things to consider before applying to any school in Kenya. Another thing is to check out for the fees and other things that might be needed so that you can make up your mind if you want to be in that school. You will need a KCSE mean grade C (plain) with a C in English or Kiswahili, biology, mathematics, and chemistry. One of the subjects that you should not fail here that is very important is chemistry, so you should have a good background in chemistry before you can study this course. To study this course in Kenya you will be spending about KSH 150,000 and above sometimes it can even be below and it depends on the school in which you have an interest.

Roles of Pharmacist

  • There are so many responsibilities of pharmacists and their role is to work in a hospital with other doctors, you might decide the right dosage for certain prescriptions. If you become a pharmacist in a smaller community, you can fulfill additional roles like vaccinating people or keeping them informed about the latest medical issues.


  • Pharmacists are in high demand and your services will even be needed in small towns or rural settlements. You cannot walk down and not see pharmacy shops/offices all around this shows that they are in demand and many people need their help/services.
  • This course gives you a flexible work schedule and happy life. Some pharmacists tend to work in hospitals and have shops/offices where they prescribe jobs to people. All of this is done to make sure that buying drugs will become easy and that you do not have to spend a huge amount of money to see doctors.


  • Prescribing the right drugs and how to save lives using the medicine to prescribe is very important. There’s also not much stress involved, some patients can be more demanding, and some may even be a handful. This is why you should have patience when treating them so that you might even get more recommendations because of the slight compassion you showed towards a patient.


Pharmacy is one of the most marketable courses in Kenya and they are needed in every society, this is to show that important values are placed in the lives of pharmacists and they keep adding to the economy of Kenya.

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