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Is Radiography Marketable in Kenya? (2024)


Is Radiography Marketable in Kenya? (2024)

Radiography is a medical course that is gradually growing and is slowly dominating in Kenya. Radiographers are medical professionals tasked with operating highly specialized, state-of-the-art scanning machines. These healthcare professionals operate medical imaging equipment, while radiologists are primarily concerned with providing imaging interpretation, there is a difference between both courses which will be highlighted later on. There is lots of potential in this course and there is so much money to be made as well as your services are needed daily in hospitals and health centers. Being a radiographer there are so many benefits that come with it and you need to know how to go about this course in Kenya and the various available jobs.

Is Radiography Marketable in Kenya?

Radiography is the art and science of the application of various forms of radiation and waves on substances for the promotion of health, design, diagnosis, and treatment of various forms of diseases in hospitals, non-destructive testing/detective scanning in industries, and research purposes. If you are interested in medicine and you have a keen interest in technology then this course might be a better option for you. There are two types of radiography where are diagnostic radiograph and therapeutic radiographer. A diagnostic radiographer specializes in areas such as X-rays, ultrasounds, CT scans, MRI scans, nuclear medicine, or mammography, the work is based upon using imaging technology to diagnose illnesses while a therapeutic radiographer uses equipment to plan and deliver accurate treatments. There are so many places where you can work as a radiographer and there are some hospitals that will provide all the required instruments and facilities that are needed.

Radiography is a marketable course in Kenya. The Kenyan healthcare industry is gradually growing and radiography is one of those courses that can get you a good job. There are so many openings available for radiography courses in Kenya and there are opportunities to major in any of the major courses in radiography. As a radiographer, some opportunities are available for you in Kenya you just need to have the right skills and know what you are doing before you proceed to apply for a job in Kenya. Sometimes, radiographers are also involved in giving radiotherapy treatment to cancer patients. Radiographers who can also perform ultrasound tests are known as sonographers. A career in radiography can be very promising. The demand for radiographers has increased considerably in recent times, with significant technological development in medical sciences, creating new job opportunities. Once you have completed the required studies you need to be a radiographer then you should be able to study and have the required knowledge of what is needed.

Before applying to study a course like radiography you should have a basic knowledge of the requirements that are needed. There are so many courses in Kenya that you can study but you will need to know the requirements that are needed, there are so many schools in Kenya that offer this course but each school in Kenya does not have the same requirements. You should have the basic requirements because this is a very competitive course and there are so many students applying for this course as well. The duration of this course is four years and you will be taught everything about medicine. One of the major subjects that should be your friend if you are interested in this course is biology because you will be taught a lot of things relating to it in radiography. There is a difference between radiographers and radiologists, those two professions are different so you should know which you are going for. As a radiographer these are things you will be doing in the hospital, you will have to follow the lead of a radiologist most times as they often interpret the images that you have scanned out. as a radiographer you will Properly prepare patients for procedures to be carried out like scanning, x-ray, imaging and every other, verifying safety protocols are followed, having the knowledge to operate a wide range of imaging devices, producing quality x-rays and images to ensure the right diagnosis can be made, following the supervision of a radiologist. All of these things are very important as you will be able to know what you need to do overtime and everything will be taught in schools, you will do practicals and see real-life events in the hospitals. After studying a course like this before you get a job or even look for a job, it is advisable that you do an internship in any of the hospitals in Kenya as this will help you fully understand the course that you have just studied. An internship gives you experience on the job and most employers will want to know if you have fully worked as a radiographer before you will be allowed to work with them.

Requirements to study Radiography in Kenya

Every school in Kenya will ask for requirements before giving you admission and you will need to have the basic requirement at least before you will be considered in most schools. You will need a mean grade of at least C+ at KCSE C+ in Physics, Biology, Mathematics/Chemistry, and English/Kiswahili B- in Biological Sciences, Physical Sciences, and English/Kiswahili. You will need to know how much the fees that are required to study this course.


There are several schools offering radiography in Kenya, radiography is a popular course in Kenya and it is very marketable in Kenya. Studying radiography will give you access to many job opportunities and the salary of a radiographer in Kenya is about KSH 60,000 monthly.

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