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Top 10 Most Handsome Tribes In Kenya (2024)


Top 10 Most Handsome Tribes In Kenya (2024)

A tribe refers to a social group of people who share common cultural, linguistic, and historical traditions, and who may be bound together by a common geographic location, ancestry, or other factors.

The top ten most handsome tribes in Kenya include Luhya, Kisii, Taita, Kikuyu, Luo, Maasai, Embu, Meru, Somalia and Kalenjins. There are 44 officially recognized tribes in Kenya, each with its unique culture, language, and history. 

Top 10 Most Handsome Tribes in Kenya

1. Luhya

One of the most handsome tribes in Kenya is the Luhya tribe. The Luhya people are a large ethnic group in Kenya, with an estimated population of over 6 million.

They are primarily located in the western part of the country, with the majority living in the counties of Kakamega, Bungoma, and Vihiga. The Luhya are known for their rich culture, history, and diversity.

2. Kisii

Another handsome tribe in Kenya is  the Kisii group. The Kisii people are also known as the Gusii. They are a Bantu ethnic group that inhabits the Kisii County in southwestern Kenya.

They are one of the largest ethnic groups in Kenya, with a population of over 2.7 million people. The Kisii language, which belongs to the Bantu language family, is the primary language spoken by the Kisii people.

The Kisii people are known for their artistry, particularly in the field of soapstone carving. Kisii soapstone is a soft, easily workable stone that is mined from quarries in the region. The Kisii people use the stone to create various decorative and functional objects, such as sculptures, cooking pots, and ornaments.

3. Taita

The Taita people are known for their exceptional skills in agriculture, especially in the cultivation of fruits and vegetables. They practice subsistence farming and grow crops such as maize, beans, cassava, and bananas.

The Taita people have a rich history and culture, which includes unique traditional practices, beliefs, and customs. The Taita language, also known as Kidawida, is a dialect of the Bantu language and is widely spoken by the Taita people.

4. Kikuyu

The Kikuyu group is greatly popular in Kenya for their handsome attributes. The Kikuyu people have a rich cultural heritage and are known for their traditional music and dance, which are often performed during weddings and other cultural events. They also have a strong tradition of storytelling, with many fables and legends passed down through the generations.

The Kikuyu tribe is the largest ethnic group in Kenya, comprising approximately 22% of the population. They are predominantly located in the central highlands of Kenya, specifically in the counties of Kiambu, Murang’a, Nyeri, Kirinyaga, and Nyandarua.

5. Luo

The Luo tribe in Kenya are also known widely for their good looks and handsomeness. Besides, the Luo community is also popular for its cuisine, with dishes such as fish stew, ugali, and a variety of traditional vegetables being popular. The community is predominantly Christian, but some still practice traditional African religions.

6. Maasai

The Maasai people are a Nilotic ethnic group found in Kenya and Tanzania. They are known for their distinctive culture, traditional clothing, and strong warrior traditions. The Maasai are semi-nomadic pastoralists, who primarily rely on their herds of cattle, sheep, and goats for their livelihoods.

The Maasai are famous for their red clothing, which is made from a bright red fabric called shuka. Men wear shukas as shawls or wrapped around their waists as a skirt, while women use them as shawls or wrap them around their upper body. Both men and women adorn themselves with colorful beaded jewelry and metal jewelry.

7. Embu

Another handsome group of people in Kenya are the Embu tribe. The Embu people traditionally engaged in agriculture, with crops such as millet, sorghum, and yams being grown in their region.

They are also known for their expertise in basketry, pottery, and woodcarving. In addition, they have a rich musical tradition and are renowned for their dance and drumming performances.

8. Meru

The Meru people are known for their rich cultural heritage, which includes music, dance, and storytelling. They have a strong agricultural tradition and are known for their production of crops such as coffee, tea, and miraa (also known as khat). The Meru tribe is one of the largest and most populous ethnic groups in Kenya, with a population of approximately 1.6 million people.

9. Somali

Somalis have a rich cultural heritage and are known for their colorful dress, cuisine, and music. Their traditional dress consists of the macawiis, a wraparound garment worn by both men and women, and the hijab for women.

Somali cuisine is largely influenced by their nomadic lifestyle, and it includes dishes such as camel meat, goat meat, and rice. Somali music is characterized by the use of drums, flutes, and other traditional instruments.

10. Kalenjins

The Kalenjin is a major ethnic group in Kenya, primarily inhabiting the Rift Valley region. They are estimated to make up about 11% of Kenya’s population, with a population of around 4.9 million people. The Kalenjin is one of the most handsome tribes in Kenya.

The Kalenjin people have a rich culture, which includes music, dance, storytelling, and religious practices. They speak various dialects of the Kalenjin language, which is part of the larger Nilo-Saharan language family. The Kalenjin people are also known for their prowess in athletics.



Kenya is a culturally diverse country, with a rich and vibrant mix of cultures, traditions, and languages. The country has 44 officially recognized tribes, each with its unique customs, beliefs, and practices.

There are also many other smaller ethnic communities that also contribute to Kenya’s cultural diversity. There are lots of attractive people in Kenya; however, the most handsome tribes in Kenya have been highlighted above.

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Smith Fiwademi is a writer who loves teaching people about the important of education and how the can get the best but affordable education. He is a graduate of English language from the university of Lagos and after graduating he choosed this part.

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