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Online Jobs in Kenya That Pays KSH 10000 per Day (2024)


Online Jobs in Kenya That Pays KSH 10000 per Day (2024)

Technology has done more good for us today and in the comfort of our homes using our Smartphones, you can make a good amount of money daily all with just an idea that you have. Social media platforms have done wonders as there are so many things being advised in our faces on how we can make money daily and this is a big advantage to us daily.

There are so many online jobs in Kenya that pays KSH 10000 per day and you might think this is impossible but it is true. Working online allows you to do multiple jobs or work at your own pace and this is the freedom many people are looking for. 

Online Jobs in Kenya That Pays KSH 10000 per Day

1. Transcription Jobs

One of the easiest ways to make KSH 10000 per day is doing transcription jobs. There are so many websites where your services are needed and they are ready to pay you longer as you know what you are doing and work smart. Transcription jobs involve listening to audio files and typing and it takes full commitment to the job to ensure that you produce excellent work. You will need to have good listening skills and good typing skills to know how to do this work. 

2. Data Entry

Data Entry is the transcription of data from one form to the other. There are so many things involved in running a data entry job and the pay is very good. You can apply for data entry jobs online but if you are a beginner you can easily learn how this job is being carried out. There are lots of data entry professionals out there who make a good amount of money daily and if your goal is to make KSH 10000 then you are good to go. 

3. Article Writing

If you want a flexible job, that gives you much freedom and you can work at your own pace then article writing is the best job for you. There are lots of places available where you can start your writing career, you can write for blogs, and you can get gigs on Fiverr, Upwork and other websites that freelance writers use in getting online jobs. Writing is a very good skill and there are lots of opportunities that are open for you in the writing space that you can join and you can make good money daily from those websites. 

4. E-Commerce

Having an online shop is one of the best jobs that you can ever come across. There are so many things you can sell with your online shop and you can make a good amount of money daily through this. There are three types of E-commerce and it is the type that you want to do you have a business, business to consumer, and consumer to consumer. You can study the model of an E-commerce business and decide to start up one, there are so many ways for you to begin you just have to make research online that will help you begin. 

5. Social Media Influencer

Social Media Influencer is one of the easiest ways to make money online in Kenya. Being an influencer you will need to have a good following, and engagements on your posts, all of this boils them to growing an audience and then brands can easily contact you to help them market their products and you can get paid. Many young people make a living off influencing in Kenya and this is due to the content they have created that has captured the eyes of so many people, influencing is a great job and a great way to make money online. 

6. Blogging

Blogging is the creation of written content online for people to read about. There are so many niches one can start working with on blogging which include; travel niche, entertainment, fashion and much more. There are so many processes you will have to go through before you can start blogging and there is so much work that has to be done and you have to put in so much effort so you can be able to achieve the desired results.

Blogging comes with lots of competition, you are not the only blogger out there, in the niche that you plan on working on there are others that have done more work out there, you have to be unique with your style of blogging that is the only way you can get good results. 

7. Affiliate Marketing

If you are good at marketing products or goods then affiliate marketing might be meant for you. There are so many companies looking for affiliate marketers that would help them sell their products and services all of this can be done within the comfort of your home. Companies like Jumia, Amazon and others offer commission for every product or goods you help them sell, some of these companies offer 20% commission, others 15% and so much more. 

8. Testing Mobile Applications

There are lots of mobile testing companies happening in Nairobi, companies like UserTesting are always looking for persons that could help test their new products and they pay you for this, aside from this company there are so many companies online that are ready to pay you well for using their products and seeing if it works out well. Before testing, you will need to know about the company’s procedure rules and regulations involved and all of this is of benefit to you. 

9. YouTube

YouTube is one of those apps that you can use in making money by creating visual content that can reach a wide audience. There are so many contents that you can create on YouTube, you can start an online class, an entertainment channel and so much more. You can start earning on YouTube when you put in the necessary work that is needed and this will be easier for you to make a good amount of money daily. Creating a YouTube channel is free but creating content, running ads and getting subscribers is where the challenge is. 

10. Academic Writing

Making money through Academic writing in Kenya has been made easy, there are lots of websites available for you that you can sign up for and make a good amount of money monthly. There are so many websites where students upload their assignments which involve essay writing and others and you can help them with it and get paid easily. If you work hard you can make even more than KSH 10000 daily. 

11. Web Design Services

If you are good at designing websites then this is one job that you would want to consider doing in the comfort of your home. Web designers are known to make more daily on different websites that they design or even manage and this depends on how good you are with your job. The world of web designing is so wide and there are lots of opportunities meant for you in the tech space. 

12. Graphic Design

Graphic Designing is one of those jobs that can make you good money online in Kenya. if you are good with graphics that are lots of things that you can do then, so many people will need your services online you can create a portfolio and show them your previous work and then you can get clients from different platforms including social media and so many other places. 


Making money online in Kenya for some people looks difficult but it is the easiest way to make money and there are so many things you can do with your time. There are so many opportunities you can use to make money online and there are so many online jobs in Kenya that pays KSH 10000 per day. 


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