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14 List of Procurement Courses in Kenya (2024)


14 List of Procurement Courses in Kenya (2024)

Procurement as a course teaches the process of identifying and obtaining goods and services, it includes so many chains of supply management which involves sourcing, purchasing and identifying all forms of suppliers through to delivery from suppliers to the users.

This course will help in improving your knowledge in the humanitarian area of procurement, there are so many things that you can learn from this course and if you have chosen this as a career you have made the right choice. Learning procurement skills is not that difficult, the major skill which you have to learn is to ensure that the goods and services are being delivered and the prices of goods are being kept as low as possible. 

List of Procurement Courses in Kenya

  • Bachelor of Procurement and Logistics Management 
  • Bachelor of Procurement and Supplies Management 
  • Bachelor’s Purchasing and Supplies Management 
  • Bachelor of Sciences in Operations and Supply Management
  • Bachelor of Science in Procurement and Contract Management 
  • Bachelor of Science in Supply Chain Management 
  • Certificate in Procurement and Logistics Management
  • Certificate in Purchasing and Supplies Management
  • Master of Science in Procurement and Logistics Management
  • Master of Science in Procurement and Supply Chain Management 
  • PhD in Supply Chain Management 
  • Master of Science and Contract Management 
  • Diploma in Supply Chain Management 
  • Diploma in Purchasing and Supplies Management

Universities/Schools/Colleges Offering Procurement Courses in Kenya

  • Chuka University
  • Riara University 
  • Tangaza University College 
  • Marist International University College 
  • Beam International Training Centre 
  • East Africa School of Theology 
  • Murang’a University College
  • Machakos Training Institute
  • Kenya Methodist University 
  • Technical University of Mombasa  
  • Meru University of Science and Technology
  • Multimedia University of Kenya
  • Moi University
  • Kisii University
  • Nairobi Technical Training Institute
  • Maseno University
  • Gretsa University
  • Taita Taveta University College
  • Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology 
  • Zetech University
  • Daystar University
  • University of Eastern Africa
  • Egerton University
  • University of Eldoret
  • Massai Mara University
  • Highlands State College
  • Umma University
  • University of Kiabanga
  • Rongo University College
  • Cooperative University College of Kenya
  • Kenya Highlands Evangelical University 
  • Thika Institute of Business Studies 
  • Africa Nazarene University 


  • Murang’a University College
  • Machakos Training Institute
  • Strathmore University 
  • St Paul University
  • Mount Kenya University
  • The Presbyterian University of Africa
  • The East African University
  • Pan Africa Christian University (PAC)
  • Dedan Kimathi University of Technology 
  • Kenyatta University 
  • Scott Christian University
  • Karatina University
  • Jodan College of Technology
  • The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Kabarak University
  • International University of Professional Studies 
  • South Eastern Kenya University
  • The Management University of Africa
  • Kirinyaga University College
  • Kibabii University College
  • Vision Institute of Professionals
  • University of Nairobi

Procurement Courses in Kenya Requirements

A procurement course is not very popular in Kenya, and fewer people apply for this course, but a course like this should not be neglected as there are so many potentials and so many opportunities one can gain while studying this course. Procurement courses come with their requirements, you will be needing a minimum mean grade of C – (minus) at KCSE level with at least a C – (minus) in English/Kiswahili, D + (plus) in mathematics or accounting, commerce, economics or business studies. You can as well use an A-level qualification with at least a subsidiary pass or a certificate awarded by a recognized exam body or institution of higher learning.

The duration to study a Procurement course in Kenya is two (2) years which is split into four (4) semesters and 17 weeks each and this is for a diploma degree, you can study a procurement course for four (4) years in some universities in Kenya. 

Procurement Courses in Kenya Fees

Procurement Courses in Kenya are known to be less competitive and it’s a lot easier applying for a course like this, there is an easy chance of you gaining admission into the preferred institution of your choice easily and this depends if you have the right documents as well. Getting a bachelor’s degree for a procurement course takes four (4) years you will be spending about KSH 105,000 for fees and other related school expenses yearly, those who will wish to get a diploma degree for this course tend to pay less. There are so many institutions in Kenya that offer this course and you must choose the type of degree you wish to go for having the requirements which the institution is requesting is very important as well. 

Is Procurement Courses a Marketable Course in Kenya

Building and maintaining good relationships should be the main focus for procurement professionals, there are so many opportunities available for this course and it is very marketable in Kenya. Having a degree in procurement gives you the chance of working with companies and having good pay. This course is known as one of the fastest-growing career courses in Kenya today and there are so many jobs offers available for anyone with a degree in this course. A procurement course is one you can never go wrong with, you can earn within the range of KSH 27,000 monthly to KSH 160,000 and all of this depends on your experience in the industry.

There are so many skills that can make you a good procurement officer which include; communication, influencing, change management, negotiation and relationship management. This is a very good career one that you will not regret getting involved in, jobs in procurement give you the potential to travel and typically pays well, they include buyers, analysts and agents who work hand in hand with companies to procure parts and materials that is needed by companies to operate. 


There are so many opportunities for anyone that chooses to go into this course fully, a procurement career is very marketable and if you are very serious about it in no time you can be among the top procurement officers in Kenya.  


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