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9 List of Radiology Courses in Kenya (2024)


9 List of Radiology Courses in Kenya (2024)

The world is changing today and there are so many things that go along with it, modern medicine has taken a good turn over the years and this is because the cure for lots of different diseases are springing up and this is due to technology. Radiology is a branch of medicine that uses imaging techniques to treat diseases, there are two types of radiology which include; Diagnostic Radiology and Interventional Radiology. There are so many radiology courses in Kenya and people who study this course are called Radiologist, there are so many benefits of radiology in the world today as this has helped in viewing so many problems that we cannot notice with the human eyes, the list is endless of the benefits of radiology and if you have a passion for this course then you are on the right track. 

List of Radiology Courses in Kenya

  • Diagnostic Imaging
  • Diagnostic Sonographer
  • X-Ray Technology
  • Diagnostic Medical Sonographer
  • Radiation Therapy
  • Radiologic Technology
  • Ultrasound Technology
  • X-Ray Medical Assistance
  • Radiography

 Universities/Schools/Colleges Offering Radiology Courses in Kenya

  • Egerton University
  • University of Eldoret
  • Massai Mara University
  • Highlands State College
  • Umma University
  • University of Kiabanga
  • Rongo University College
  • Jodan College of Technology
  • Kenya School of Professional Counselors
  • Elite Commercial Institutes 
  • Machakos Training Institute
  • Kenya Methodist University 
  • University of Eastern Africa
  • Strathmore University 
  • Mt Kenya University
  • Lukenya University
  • Massai Mara University
  • Pwani University
  • Bukura Agricultural College
  • Kisii University
  • The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Kabarak University
  • Marist International University College
  • South Eastern Kenya University
  • The Management University of Africa
  • Kirinyaga University College
  • Kibabii University College
  • Vision Institute of Professionals
  • Cooperative University College of Kenya
  • Kenya Highlands Evangelical University
  • Chuka University
  • Riara University
  • Kenyatta University 
  • Mount Kenya University School of Education


  • Garissa University 
  • Nakuru College of Health Sciences and Management
  • International University of Professional Studies 
  • Pan Africa Christian University (PAC)
  • Dedan Kimathi University of Technology
  • Strathmore University 
  • St Paul University
  • Thika Institute of Business Studies 
  • Africa Nazarene University 
  • Murang’a University College
  • The University of Nairobi
  • Alupe University College
  • Tharaka University College
  • Laikipia University College
  • Tangaza University College
  • Globoville College
  • Kericho Teachers Training College
  • Embu College
  • Kenya YMCA College of Agriculture and Technology
  • Thika Institute of Technology
  • Limuru Agricultural Youth Centre


  • Baraton College

Radiology Courses in Kenya Requirements

Radiology is a wide course; this is a course that should be taken seriously because lives are at stake. Radiology has so much to offer, in Radiology, there are so many things you will need to learn and it will take you years to study. In a course like Radiology, there will be certain requirements that will be needed from you to have before you can apply for this course, you will need; your KCSE result with C + (plus) in physics, C + (plus) in biology, C + (plus) in mathematics and chemistry then you will also need a C + (plus) in Kiswahili. There are so many institutions that offer this course in Kenya and they are all known to have one requirement or the other. The requirements here are the basic ones which you will need before you can proceed to apply to a school of your choice. 

Radiology Courses in Kenya Fees

Before applying for a course, you should ensure you make the necessary preparations and one of such preparations is to know the amount it will cost you to study that course. A course like radiology will not be cheap to study, there are so many things you will be taught when you apply to study for this course and you will see that it is not cheap. Many institutions have a different amount they charge for a particular course but you must have in mind that you will be spending about KSH 70,000 and above to study a radiology course in Kenya. 

Is Radiology Course a Marketable Course in Kenya

Radiology is a marketable course in Kenya, it is a medical speciality that is rapidly growing and lots of students are beginning to see a career in this field. Radiology is a wide course and it pays well, studying radiology gives you a shot at medicine because you will be working in the health sector. A certificate in radiology can get you a job in no time as their services are needed in different areas in the health sector, after your education you will be expected to undergo rigorous intensive training as this will enable see the practical aspect of the course and lots of things which you will be involved in. 

Becoming a Radiologist is not easy, this career takes a lot of dedication and hard work, there are lots of people who find it difficult to cope with the pressure and in the long run, some of them drop out. Before applying to study a course like this you should make proper research as this will help you to know what this course is all about. Radiologists are like medical doctors, every training a medical doctor undergoes is what a radiologist undergoes as well. A radiologist may act as a consultant to another doctor that is caring for a patient this is how serious their line of work is. 



The benefits of studying a course like radiology are endless, radiology courses in Kenya are so many that you can easily pick one of your choices and work towards it. You will need all seriousness to excel in a course like it as it involves the life of humans. Radiologists are known to even earn more than some persons in some parts of the health sector. 

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