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Requirements for Software Engineering in Kenya (2024)


Requirements for Software Engineering in Kenya (2024)

Technology has slowly taken over everything today and it is the goal of every young individual to go into technology. There are so many courses that you can study that will place you in the world of technology, these courses will help you have a future in the tech space and you can easily secure a job in that field.

Software engineering is a very broad and lucrative course and those who study software engineering are known to work in major tech companies that pay them a good amount of money monthly and you can work anywhere as a software engineer remotely or even on-site. Studying this course in Kenya there are so many institutions that you can apply to but there are some requirements for software engineering in Kenya.

Requirements for Software Engineering in Kenya

Software engineering is one of those courses that do not need many requirements in Kenya as most tech courses do not require much but when you are applying to an institution to study this course, the institution tends to follow the necessary steps that are needed before it can admit students into the institution to study this course. The minimum requirement that is needed to study software engineering in Kenya is An aggregate mean grade of C- and above in K.C.S.E. D- in Mathematics, D- in either English or Kiswahili OR a Relevant qualification approved by the University Senate.

Over the years there have been software companies in Kenya that are beginning to spring up and this has given birth to many opportunities for those that have studied this course in Kenya. The pay for software engineers in Kenya is high though not compared to developed countries but there is a drastic improvement in the system. There is so much work to do by the Kenyan government, a software engineer in Kenya earns about KES 100,000 monthly which is slightly lower than other courses but with more improvements and more companies embracing tech and the digital world, there is room for improvement.

Software engineers design and create computer systems to solve real-world problems, they create computer software and applications. Software engineers play an important role in technology and they are needed in big firms and companies that deal with tech products and services. Building a career in software engineering is one of the best decisions you can make yourself, there are so many opportunities but it involves a rigorous learning process and time. Before embarking to take a course in software engineering it is advisable to have some coding skills as this will help you to excel and make things easier for you. Software engineering has been termed a difficult course but if you put your heart into it, it will be easier for you to learn.

There are various fields of software engineering and everyone in this field has been regarded to be one of the best so far. In a few years to come the software engineering market is going to get a big boom as there is so much to be done and so much to be learnt in this field. Software engineers are high in demand and they are known for having a good salary, there is so much to do as a software engineer and there is so much to learn as a software engineer. There is a high demand for software engineers in Canada, New Zealand, Russia, Australia and Sweden.

A course like software engineering is not very popular in Kenya unlike medicine, nursing and others which attract lots of attention and difficult to gain admission into those courses. There are fewer persons applying to study software engineering in various universities and this is as a result many do not know the importance of the course or even the marketability of the course, for they cannot undergo the stress of learning coding skills and all that. Software engineering is one of those courses that you can easily get in the university or any institution of your choice.

As an aspiring software developer or engineer, you should know that there is a difference between software engineering and computer science as a course. Software engineers work to understand tools and processes, using their carefully cultivated knowledge to design, create and maintain computer software. Meanwhile, computer scientists take those tools and processes one step further and drive innovations with their programming, algorithm and security skills. Before applying to any university to study software engineering you should check out their course modules as it is necessary for you to see, you can get a certificate in software engineering from any reputable institution as this can be up to a year or even less.

Studying software engineering in an institution in Kenya requires four (4) years this is for those that decide to study at the university, you can opt-in to have a diploma degree which takes about two (2) years to study or even a certificate from a recognized organization or institution which takes a year or six months. One of the misconceptions about software engineering is that it requires lots of mathematics, it requires mathematics but not the way you see it as other things are needed for you to learn. Before studying this course, there are some basic skills that you need to have.

Skills Needed by a Software Engineer

  • Computer program and coding


  • Software testing and debugging
  • Teamwork
  • Object-Oriented Design
  • Problem problem-solving can thinking
  • Written and verbal communication
  • Software development



There might be other skills that are needed but the skills which have been listed above are the basic skills that are needed for a software engineer in Kenya. There is so much to learn in this course and it is necessary to check the requirements for software engineering in Kenya before applying to that particular institution, every school has their requirements it is advisable you have an idea about it before applying.

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