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Roles Of MCA In Kenya (2024)


Roles Of MCA In Kenya (2024)

The MCA (Member of the County Assembly) is an elected representative at the county level in Kenya. The creation of the Member of County Assembly (MCA) position in Kenya was a result of the promulgation of the new Constitution of Kenya in 2010. The Constitution created a devolved system of government in Kenya, which brought about the establishment of county governments.

The roles of MCA in Kenya include representation, oversight, legislation, Public participation and Budget approval amongst others. The MCA position was established as an elected position to represent the people at the county level. The MCA is elected by the registered voters in the ward they intend to represent, and they serve for a term of five years.

What Are The Roles Of MCA In Kenya?

These are the responsibilities of the MCA in Kenya:

1. Representation

The MCA represents the people of his/her ward in the County Assembly. They are expected to champion the interests of their constituents and ensure that their views are well-represented in the County Assembly.

2. Legislation

The MCA is responsible for making laws at the county level. They can introduce bills, motions, and amendments that can become law after passing through the County Assembly and being assented to by the County Governor.

3. Oversight

The MCA is responsible for overseeing the work of the County Executive Committee (CEC) members, who are appointed by the County Governor. The MCA ensures that the CEC members are delivering services to the people as required.

4. Budget Approval

The MCA approves the County budget and ensures that funds allocated are used for the intended purposes. They also ensure that the budget is consistent with the county’s development priorities and needs.

5. Public Participation

The MCA is responsible for promoting public participation in governance. They engage with the public and seek their views and opinions on various issues affecting their community. They also organize public forums and sensitization campaigns to educate the public on their rights and responsibilities.

6. County Development

The MCA participates in the formulation and implementation of development plans at the county level. They identify the needs of their ward and advocate for resources to be allocated towards the development of their ward.

What Are The Requirements Needed To Become A MCA Member?

To become a part of MCAs, you have to fulfil these requirements:

Citizenship: You must be a Kenyan citizen.

Age: Candidate must be at least 18 years old.

Education: Must have at least a post-secondary school qualification recognized in Kenya.

Political Party Membership: Must be a member of a political party or an independent candidate.

Integrity: You need to meet the requirements of Chapter Six of the Kenyan Constitution, which includes being of sound mind, having no criminal record, and having high moral standing.

Nomination: Must be nominated by a political party or as an independent candidate during the nomination period.

Registered voter: The candidate must be a registered voter in the ward they intend to represent.

Residency: Must be a resident of the ward they intend to represent for at least six months before the election.

How Much Do Members Of MCA In Kenya Earn?

A detailed analysis of the present salary structure for Members of County Assembly (MCAs) in Kenya reveals that they are remunerated a monthly basic salary of Ksh 86,625, which is augmented by housing and market adjustment allowances amounting to Ksh 45,000 and Ksh 12,750, correspondingly. Consequently, the gross pay for MCAs in Kenya amounts to approximately Ksh 144,375.



The roles of MCAs in Kenya are important as they play a critical part in promoting democratic governance, enhancing public participation, making laws, overseeing the work of the County Executive Committee, and ensuring that county resources are utilized appropriately.

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Smith Fiwademi is a writer who loves teaching people about the important of education and how the can get the best but affordable education. He is a graduate of English language from the university of Lagos and after graduating he choosed this part.

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