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Roles Of Political Parties In Kenya (2024)


Roles Of Political Parties In Kenya (2024)

A political party is a group of individuals who share similar political views, beliefs, and ideologies, and who come together to contest for political power in a democratic system. Political parties are a fundamental component of democratic societies, and they play a vital role in representing the interests of citizens, promoting political participation, and shaping government policies and programs.

The roles of political parties in Kenya include Representation, Voter Mobilization, Ideology and Policy development, oversight and Political education amongst others. There are various political parties in Kenya and their major roles will be elucidated below.

Roles Of Political Parties In Kenya

Here are the roles of political parties in Kenya:

1. Representation

Political parties in Kenya provide a platform for individuals to be represented in government. Candidates who are members of political parties are elected to various positions, including the presidency, parliament, county assemblies, and local government.

2. Ideology and Policy Development

Furthermore, Political parties in Kenya develop and promote diverse ideologies and policies. This helps voters to make informed choices based on the party’s beliefs and policies.

3. Voter Mobilization

Political parties play a significant role in mobilizing voters during elections. Parties engage in campaigns and rallies to encourage voters to turn out in large numbers and vote for their candidates.

4. Oversight

Political parties in Kenya can provide oversight of government policies and actions. Opposition parties in the country can scrutinize the government’s decisions and hold the ruling party accountable.

5. Political Education

Political parties provide political education to their members and the public. They organize workshops, seminars, and other forums to educate the public on the importance of democracy and the role of political parties in governance.

6. Funding

Political parties are sources of funding for their candidates during elections. They raise money to finance campaigns and support their candidates.

7. Unity

Political parties in Kenya also provide a platform for people with common interests to come together and work towards a common goal. This help promotes unity and social cohesion in the country.

How Can You Join A Political Party In Kenya?

To join a political party in Kenya, certain requirements must be met. However, here are the general steps and requirements to join a political party in Kenya:

1. Select A Political Party

You need to first identify the political party that you wish to join. In Kenya, there are several registered political parties to choose from.

2. Membership Application

Obtain a membership application form from the political party’s office or website. Fill in the form with your details, including your name, address, ID number, and contact information.

3. Membership Fee

Most political parties in Kenya require payment of a membership fee. The fee varies from party to party, and the amount may change from time to time. You will need to pay the fee when submitting your membership application.

4. Submit the Application

Submit the membership application and the membership fee to the political party’s office or through their website.

5. Wait For Approval

Once you submit your membership application, the party will review it and determine whether to approve or reject your membership. The party will communicate their decision to you.

6. Attend Meetings And Participate

After your membership is approved, you can start participating actively in the party’s activities, including meetings, rallies, and other events. You can also contribute to the party’s policies and programs.



The roles of Political parties in Kenya are important roles that contribute immensely to the country’s political system. They provide a means for individuals and groups to participate in politics and advocate for their interests and values.

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Smith Fiwademi is a writer who loves teaching people about the important of education and how the can get the best but affordable education. He is a graduate of English language from the university of Lagos and after graduating he choosed this part.

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