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TSC Requirements For Technical Teachers (2024)


TSC Requirements For Technical Teachers (2024)

Technical teachers are crucial in the development of technical education, promotion of innovation, bridging the skills gap, supporting national development, and improving the quality of education.

The TSC requirements for Technical teachers in Kenya include a minimum Diploma in Education or a bachelor’s degree in Education, a technical certification in the relevant field and a postgraduate diploma in Technical Education.

What Are The TSC Requirements For Technical Teachers?

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) in Kenya requires technical teachers to have a minimum of a Diploma in Education (Technical) or a Bachelor’s degree in Education (Technical). In addition, they should have a technical certification in the relevant field, such as a Certificate, Diploma, or Higher Diploma in a technical course.

To be registered with TSC as a technical teacher, candidates are required to undergo a mandatory one-year post-graduate Diploma in Technical Education (PGDTE) from a recognized institution. This course equips technical teachers with the necessary pedagogical skills and knowledge in their respective areas of specialization.

In summary, the TSC requires technical teachers in Kenya to have:

  • A Diploma in Education (Technical) or a Bachelor’s degree in Education (Technical).
  • Technical certification in the relevant field.
  • A post-graduate Diploma in Technical Education (PGDTE).

What is TSC In Kenya?

TSC stands for the Teachers Service Commission. It is an independent government body in Kenya that is responsible for the management of human resource matters in the education sector.

TSC was founded under the Kenyan Constitution in 1967 as a constitutional commission. Its main mandate is to register, recruit, deploy, and promote qualified and competent teachers in public schools across Kenya.

Furthermore, the commission ensures that teachers in public schools are remunerated competitively, and their welfare is taken care of. TSC is responsible for developing and implementing policies related to the education sector, including curriculum development, teacher training, and professional development programs.

TSC is headed by a chairperson who is appointed by the President of Kenya, and its members are appointed by the President on the recommendation of the Public Service Commission. The commission is accountable to the Kenyan parliament through the Ministry of Education.

What Are The Functions Of TSC In Kenya?

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) in Kenya plays a significant role in the education sector by managing the human resources aspect of public schools. Some of the major roles and functions of TSC include:

  • Recruitment And Deployment Of Teachers

TSC is responsible for recruiting and deploying qualified and competent teachers to public schools across Kenya. This ensures that there is a sufficient number of teachers to cater to the educational needs of the students.

  • Registration And Certification Of Teachers

TSC registers and certifies all teachers in Kenya, ensuring that they meet the required standards for the profession. This helps to maintain the quality of education and protect the interests of both teachers and students.

  • Management Of Teacher Welfare

TSC is responsible for ensuring that teachers’ welfare is taken care of. This includes remuneration, promotions, and other benefits. This helps to motivate teachers and improve their performance, which ultimately benefits the students.

  • Curriculum Development And Implementation

TSC is involved in the development and implementation of the curriculum in public schools. This ensures that the curriculum is relevant, up-to-date, and meets the needs of the students.



Technical education is critical to the development of any country, especially in areas such as engineering, science, and technology. Technical teachers play a key role in ensuring that the country has the human capital it needs to drive economic growth and development.

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) plays a huge role in the management of technical teachers in Kenya. The organization works to ensure that students are offered quality education and that there is improvement in the overall performance of the Kenyan educational sector. The TSC also ensures that Technical Teachers in Kenya meet the TSC requirements for Technical teachers outlined in this piece.

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Smith Fiwademi is a writer who loves teaching people about the important of education and how the can get the best but affordable education. He is a graduate of English language from the university of Lagos and after graduating he choosed this part.

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