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Top 10 Unmarketable Courses In Kenya (2024)


Top 10 Unmarketable Courses In Kenya (2024)

There are lots of courses that can be studied in Kenyan higher institutions. Moreover, you must know about the marketability of the course you want to choose before going for it. You need to understand and ascertain whether the course will benefit you or not in the long run.

The top ten most unmarketable courses in Kenya include Animal production, Applied Linguistics, Gender Development, Childcare & Protection, Translation & Interpretation, Geographic Information Science, and Environmental Planning amongst others.

Top Ten Most Unmarketable Courses in Kenya

1. Animal production

Animal production involves raising animals for food or other by-products. It is a part of agriculture that is studied in every country. However, some people believe that animal production is an unmarketable course in Kenya because few large farms can provide well-paying jobs for university graduates.

On farms, most workers do not have university degrees, but they are supervised by the farm owners. People who cannot afford to start their farms usually do not see the need to study animal production.

2. Applied Linguistics

Applied Linguistics is a comprehensive field that delves beyond the mere memorization of foreign words. It entails an in-depth exploration of the origins of a language family and how words from one language are derived from another.

Regrettably, despite its academic weight and significance, this course has limited or no economic prospects for the Kenyan youth. For most students, unless they aspire to a career as a professor, they are likely to steer clear of Applied Linguistics due to the paucity of job opportunities it offers.

3. Gender Development

Gender Development is a discipline dedicated to analyzing societal issues and generating solutions to improve people’s quality of life and overall prosperity. Specifically, this field focuses on addressing the needs of both genders, with particular attention given to women, who often face greater vulnerability in African societies.

Regrettably, Gender Development is considered a non-lucrative course due to limited employment prospects. Graduates are not guaranteed government appointments upon completion of their studies, nor do they possess the financial resources to establish Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs).

4. Childcare and Protection

Childcare and Protection is a field that focuses on understanding children and keeping them safe from harm like exploitation or abuse. People who study this subject are trained to recognize signs of abuse and learn how to help vulnerable children.

Unfortunately, in Kenya, many people consider Childcare and Protection to be a course with no job opportunities. This is because there aren’t enough systems in place to track the number of children who are at risk of harm. Even those who work with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) may do so voluntarily, without any real career prospects.

5. Translation and Interpretation

Translation and Interpretation is an academic program that is offered as a viable alternative to Linguistics in numerous Kenyan educational institutions. However, this program is often dismissed as being an impractical and wasteful investment of time and resources. While both courses focus on language study, Translation and Interpretation specifically aim to facilitate communication rather than delve into the origins and structure of languages.

Unfortunately, pursuing a career in Translation and Interpretation can be challenging for individuals who are unable to secure positions in international organizations that require the services of professional translators. Regrettably, employment opportunities for graduates of this program are scarce, as evidenced by historical trends. Consequently, many prospective students opt not to pursue enrollment in Translation and Interpretation programs.

6. Geographic Information Science (GIS)

Every nation must possess a comprehensive understanding of its land, including the topographical structure and the subterranean composition. This knowledge allows governments to undertake efficient physical planning and adequately document the natural resources that can be harnessed for national development. It is quite saddening that Geographic Information Science (GIS) does not receive the level of attention it deserves in Kenya, owing to a lack of prioritization by the government.

Given the dearth of employment opportunities and the perceived lack of potential for personal growth, the majority of young people in Kenya tend to shy away from pursuing this course.

7. Theology, Youth Ministry, And Pastoral Studies

Many Kenyan universities offer courses in Theology, Youth Ministry, and Pastoral Studies. However, these courses may not be very helpful in finding a job.

It is rare to see someone who studied Theology in school being hired as a pastor in a church. This is because most churches prefer to run their theological schools and then ordain their graduates as pastors.

8. Environmental Planning

Environmental Planning involves studying the environment to find the best way to use it. The goal is to plan human settlements in a way that allows for easy and convenient expansion, without harming the environment. With good planning, people and nature can coexist without harming each other. Environmental Planning is one of the least valuable courses in Kenya.

9. Development Studies

Development Studies is a course of study that has witnessed a dwindling interest among the Kenyan student population. It is considered one of the least marketable courses in the country, with limited prospects for graduates.

Despite its unpopularity, the course provides valuable insights into the principles and practices of societal development. It can be particularly useful for individuals who aspire to pursue a career in politics and have access to the necessary financial and moral support required for success in such a field. For the average student seeking to make a livelihood through their academic qualifications, pursuing Development Studies in Kenya may prove to be an unfruitful endeavour.

10. Environmental Resource Management

Environmental Resource Management is a subject that focuses on the natural environment and identifies resources that can be useful to society. These resources can include things like forests, grasslands, and waterways.

Unfortunately, in Kenya, Environmental Resource Management is currently not a highly sought-after course. This may be because the government and non-governmental organizations do not prioritize it as much as other courses. As a result, job opportunities for graduates in this field may be limited.



Pursuing an unmarketable course in Kenya can make it challenging to find employment after graduation. You may face stiff competition for the few available jobs, or you may need to accept lower-paying jobs than you had hoped for. However, if you want to secure a high-paying job after graduation, then it is advised that you consider some marketable courses instead.


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Smith Fiwademi is a writer who loves teaching people about the important of education and how the can get the best but affordable education. He is a graduate of English language from the university of Lagos and after graduating he choosed this part.

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